Tuesday 5 June 2012

Karl Lagerfeld sketches the Queen

Chanel creative director Karl Lagerfeld got busy with his pastels this afternoon to sketch Her Majesty's flotilla outfit - with a few 'modifications'.

That Karl Lagerfeld, he's a busy man and no mistake. Between preparations for his upcoming haute couture show Chanel's creative director found time in his diary to resume commentary duties for French TV channel France 2 's coverage of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee - a role that he first undertook for last year's royal wedding with characteristically cutting results.

But why have two jobs when you can have four? Voraciously tweeting his thoughts about the royal fashion to his social media fans all the while (sample: "For her role, for who she is, it is hard to imagine a different outfit that the Queen could have sported better"), his third hand - the one that wasn't holding the microphone or his mobile - got busy sketching Her Majesty in said outfit.

Lagerfeld, a confirmed royalist who admitted asking his parents to buy him his first television to watch Queen Elizabeth II's coronation, then proudly posted the result, complete with Union Flag background on Twitter.

It's a lovely pastel sketch in Lagerfeld's distinctive style, but we can't help but think he's played a little fast and loose with the Queen's senior designer Angela Kelly's designs adding a few fashionable 'flourishes' of his own.

Nor is it trimmed with all manner of gothic rufflery and frilly underskirts. And where are Her Majesty's trusty black handbag and crisp white gloves? Off with his head!

Read full article at the Telegraph

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