Wednesday 27 June 2012

Eva Longoria's Image Destroyed

Eva Longoria gets Photo 'chopped' beyond all recognition on the cover of Italian Amica magazine. And this is what FG10 would like to call as "Photoshop Butchery"!!

Eva Longoria's butchered pic on AMICA. Photo: Mark Liddell
Remember Eva Longoria, the petite brunette from Desperate Housewives ? No? Well, she's been in loads of other things like, er, gosh, oh, you know… Still not ringing any bells? Well don't bother looking at the July issue of Italian Amica magazine, because whoever that South Pacific beach belle is staring out from the cover is, she looks absolutely nothing like Longoria.

Which is odd because the cover line - which incidentally appears to be parping out of the 'talent's' bottom - says 'Eva Longoria'. 

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