Wednesday 12 December 2012

Tiffany Diamond dazzles Dubai

One of the world’s largest at 128 carats, the yellow sparkler was once worn by Hollywood’s Audrey Hepburn for ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’; currently, on display in the emirate.

Legend has it that the head of Tiffany’s Paris once bought the Yellow sparkler for a mere $18,000 when it was imported into the US back in 1879.

Years later in 1972, the ‘New York Times’ carried an advertisement offering to sell the famous 128.54 carat Tiffany Yellow at a measly $5 million.

With its last known valuation of $12m at the end of 1983, the Tiffany Diamond is one of the largest yellow sparklers ever discovered, originally weighing at 287.42 carats in the rough when it was discovered in 1878 in the Kimberley mines in South Africa.

Also famous for its association with Hollywood legend Audrey Hepburn in the classic, ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’, the stunning piece has now wound its way to Dubai, it’s second ever travel from its home in New York.

The Tiffany Yellow takes center stage at the jewellery brand’s flagship store in The Dubai Mall, on display until January 9 as tribute to mark the company’s 175th anniversary.

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