Thursday 7 June 2012

Karl Lagerfeld's Cat "Choupette" is now on Twitter!!!

A Twitter account for Karl Lagerfeld's cat, Choupette, has been set up following the deisgner's admittance that his beloved pet has two maids and eats at the table.

Following on from Karl Lagerfeld's revelations that his Siamese cat Choupette is possibly the world's most pampered pet, the fluffy feline seems to be building up a following that could soon rival that of her enigmatic father.

Yesterday a Twitter account was set up using the handle @ChoupettesDiary , and in less than 24 hours it has garnered almost 2,000 followers.

With such gems as "In my 9 months I have pawed at more Chanel than most women will see in a lifetime. I bask in your envy" and "Today's Goals: Bat my kitten lashes for catnip, knead the tweed, contemplate how to dye my white locks pastel.", Choupette's tweets are the talk of Twitter
The as-yet-unknown tweeter behind @ChoupettesDiary also undertook an interview with in which she described her now infamous two maids as "just like every other human: useless and easy to manipulate" and said she slept "in piles of last season's Chanel, which are no longer of use to Daddy."

It is not known whether the Twitter account was set up by someone associated directly with Karl or Chanel (we're guessing not) or an opportunistic Choupette fan, but either way, Karl's wish to publish a book documenting Choupette's daily routine is looking more and more likely with each new Twitter follower.
Other celebrity pets to have featured regularly on Twitter include David and Victoria Beckham's French Bulldog Scarlet and British Bulldog Coco (remember those painted claws that caused a furore?) and rapper 50cent's dog, Oprah, who has a page of her own. - Telegraph

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