Sunday 20 November 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Lady Fozaza Launches in Dubai! MARK UR CALENDARS

Its been an incredible journey
a proof that some dreams do come true... 

a journey of the years into a passion i was born with starting with my mothers influence 
to my Late Aunts dreams which now grows through me... 
carrying out her dreams of building a fashion empire started with helping others find their voice through and continued with me finding my true inner style .. 
Projected by the wonderful world of fabric and style and carried out by some of you amazing fashion fwd individuals who have brought my creations to life in ways i never though possible.. 

With that said, i would like to invite you all to the LAUNCH of 


a chance to showcase 3 EXCLUSIVE new styles to the region...
and for the amazing Location LAdy fozaza will be sold at.

DATE: 21st of December 2011

Send us your email addresses to 
with the Subject: LadyFozaza Launch

SPACE is limited so hurry!
if you've been selected you will get an email back.. 

Hope to see you all soon!

Lots of LOVE.

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